




Track-23Interviewer: What happened in the immediate1)_____ of the Challenger accident?Spokesperson: In early February 1986,[音频][音频]President Ronald Reagan announced the creation of a Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident.Interviewer: Known to most people as the Rogers Commission, right?Spokesperson: That’s right. The2)_____ of the commission was William P. Rogers. At the same time, NASA established the Challenger Data and Design Analysis Task Force to support the work of the Commission.Interviewer: How long did the investigation take?Spokesperson: It took3) _____to complete and required the involvement of more than4)_____ people. The report was published and delivered to the president5)_____ 1986.Track-24Interviewer: So what changes were made as a result of the commission’s report?Spokesman: Well, 6)_____were made both to shuttle hardware and to NASA’s safety and quality assurance procedures. While the space shuttle fleet was grounded, hundreds of modifications were incorporated into the shuttle system. The SRBs were completely7)_____ and a new joint design was subjected to stringent8)__________ . NASA put the main space shuttle engines through the most thorough ground-testing program in their history. This was the equivalent in operational time to more than 36 real missions. All engine improvements were certified to demonstrate improved reliability and operating safety margins.Interviewer: I see.Spokesman: And, as I mentioned, apart from making changes to hardware, NASA completely reorganized its safety programs. The Office of Safety, 9)______(首字母大写), Maintainability, and 10)_________ (首字母大写)was established in 1986. This has direct authority for safety and quality control for all NASA operations.
