
The Panorama is not the first model of New York. In 1845 E. Porter Belden, a savvy local who had written the best city guide of its day, set 150 artists, craftsmen, and sculptors to work on what an advertisement in his guide described as "a perfect facsimile of New York, representing every street, lane, building, shed, park, fence, bee, and every other object in the city." This "Great w0rk of art," Belden said, distilled "over 200, 000 buildings, including Houses, Stores and Rear-Buildings" and two and a half million windows and doors into a twenty-by-twenty-four-foot miniature that encompassed the metropolis below Thirty-second Street and parts of Brooklyn and Governors Island, all basking under a nearly fifteen-foot-high Gothic canopy decorated with 0il paintings of "the leading business establishments and places of note in the city." Alas, every trace of it has vanished. Of course Belden’s prodigy was far from the first display of model buildings. Since antiquity architects and builders have used miniatures m solve design problems and win support from patrons and public. A recent show at die National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., featured fourteen models created by Renaissance architects, including the six-ton, fifteen-foot-high model of St. Peter’s that Antonio da Sangallo the Younger built for the pope. Beyond their uses as design tools and propaganda, models have always possessed a curious power to enchant and excite. The sculptor Teremy Lebensohn was describing architectural models but could have been characterizing all miniatures when he wrote, "The model offers us a Gulliver’s view of a Lilliputian world, its seduction of scale reinforcing the sense of our powers to control the environment, whether it be unbroken countryside, a city block or the interior of a room." A model 0fthe 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition presented to the city in 1889 is unique in that some of the buildings and details are made of brass and that it is still on display in the basement of what was the Liberal Arts Building at the fair in Philadelphia’s Fairmont Park. The San Francisco World’s Fair of 1915 featured another New York City model, 550 feet square and complete with a lighting system that highlighted the city’s major features. City models have also miniaturized Denver, San Diego, and San Francisco, the Denver one built during the 1930s with WPA funding. A re-creation of the city as it appeared in 1860, it includes figures of men, women, and children in period costumes, along with animals and assorted wagons, and is now on display at the Colorado History Museum in Denver. San Diego’s model, in Old Town State Historic Park, was built by Jo Toigo and completed in the 1970s and depicts that city’s Old Town section as it looked a century earlier. Like the Denver model, it includes people, animals and vehicles. A model of San Francisco is in the Environmental Simulation Laboratory in Berkeley, California. Not a realistic model in the true sense of the word, it represents the buildings and land contours of the city and has been used to study patterns of sunlight and shadow and the flower of wind caused by San Francisco’s many hills. The computer’s ability to simulate the same effects has diminished the model’s importance, and its future is uncertain. New materials and techniques have now brought the craft of architectural models to an impressive level. Computer-controlled lasers and photo-etching (the process invented to create the Panorama’s bridges) allow model makers to create presentations pieces of astonishing realism. What is the passage mainly about

A. City development in America
B. Famous American designers
C. History of American architecture
D. City model making in America



A. 中标通知书发出之日起10日内
B. 中标通知书发出之日起30日内
C. 开标之日起10日内
D. 开标之日起30日内


互联网好比一个复杂多样的虚拟世界,每台联网主机上的信息又构成了一个微观虚拟世界,若在某主机上可以访问本主机的信息,则称该主机相通于自身;若主机x能通过互联网访问主机y的信息,则称x相通于y。已知代号分别为甲、乙、丙、丁的四台联网主机有如下信息: (1)甲主机相通于任一不相通于丙的主机; (2)丁主机不相通于丙; (3)丙主机相通于任一相通于甲的主机。 某家长认为,有想象力才能进行创造性劳动,但想象力和知识是天敌。人在获得知识的过程中,想象力会消失,因为知识符合逻辑,而想象力无章可循。换句话说,知识的本质是科学,想象力的特征是荒诞。人的大脑一山不容二虎:学龄前,想象力独占鳌头,脑子被想象力占据;上学后,大多数人的想象力被知识驱逐出境。他们成为知识渊博但丧失了想象力,终身只能重复前人发现的人。 以下哪项与家长的上述观点矛盾

A. 如果希望孩子能够进行创造性劳动,就不要送他们上学。
B. 如果获得了足够知识,就不能进行创造性劳动。
C. 发现知识的人是有一定想象力的。
D. 有些人没有想象力,但能进行创造性劳动。
E. 想象力被知识驱逐出境是一个逐渐的过程。

互联网好比一个复杂多样的虚拟世界,每台联网主机上的信息又构成了一个微观虚拟世界,若在某主机上可以访问本主机的信息,则称该主机相通于自身;若主机x能通过互联网访问主机y的信息,则称x相通于y。已知代号分别为甲、乙、丙、丁的四台联网主机有如下信息: (1)甲主机相通于任一不相通于丙的主机; (2)丁主机不相通于丙; (3)丙主机相通于任一相通于甲的主机。 教育专家李教授提出,每个人在自己的一生中,都要不断地努力,否则就会像乌龟赛跑的故事一样,一时跑得快并不能保证一直领先。如果你本来基础好又能不断努力,那你肯定能比别人更早取得成功。 如果李教授的陈述为真,以下哪项一定为假

A. 只要不断努力,任何人都可能取得成功。
B. 一时不成功并不意味着一直不成功。
C. 小王本来基础好并且能不断努力,但也可能比别人更晚取得成功。
D. 人的成功是有衡量标准的。
E. 不论是谁,只有不断努力,才可能取得成功。
