
甲公司2008年5月10日与客户签订了一项工程劳动合同,合同期11个月,合同总收入500万元,预计合同总成本400万元;至2008年12月31日,实际发生成本150万元。甲公司按实际发生的成本占预计总成本的百分比确定劳务完成程度。在年末确认劳务收入时,甲公司发现,客户已发生严重的财务危机,估计只能从工程款中收回成本150万元。则甲公司2008年度应确认的劳务收入为( )万元。

A. 228.55
B. 160
C. 150
D. 10


几位外籍教师在你校高三毕业生中召开座谈会。请你写一份80~100词左右的英文发言稿,开头已给出,谈谈中国学生通常是怎样解决大学费用的。 主要途径:1.父母资助;2.自己打工挣钱;3.申请贷款读书,毕业后归还。 个人打算:1.父母承担学费;2.自己业余打工,贴补衣食并获取工作经验。 参考词汇:学费tuition 申请贷款apply for loans Nowadays college students don’t receive money from the government,so______________________.

C One answer to the question of land shortage was suggested by an organization some years ago. A city was to be built at sea, housing 30,000 people. The suggestion was to shape the city like a harbor (港口). The outer wall of the harbor would stand on steel columns resting on the sea bed. Naturally this could only be where the water was fairly shallow. The people would like to live in flats in the fifty-metre high outer wall. The flats would be all face inwards, and would be made of concrete (混凝土) and glass. The glass would be specialy made and colored to control the heat and strong light from the sun. The planners called this man-made harbor would be calm. It would be floating islands carrying more building; a hospital, two theaters, museums, an art exhibition hall and a church. One of the islands would be a special factory to take the salt out of sea water and turn it into fresh water. People living in the city could move around on small boats driven by electricity, so there would be no air pollution from the burning of gas. There would be platforms outside the man wall for ships bringing supplies. People could also travel to the mainland by motorboat or water plane. The suggestion made by the organization is to solve the problem that ______.

A. there is not enough space for building cities on land
B. land transportation has become increasingly difficult
C. there are too many people on land
D. present cities are heavily polluted by cars

B型题 胃火炽盛可见( )

A. 纳呆
B. 饥不被食
C. 消谷善饥
D. 嗜食异物
E. 除中


A. 分子量约为3.5万
B. 是糖蛋白激素
C. 由细胞滋养细胞分泌
D. 可以在孕妇血浆中测出
E. 母血胎盘生乳素值与胎盘大小成反比
