
工程师利用测试设备对某信息点己经连接好的网线进行测试时,发现有4根线不通,但计算机仍然能利用该网线连接上网。则不通的4根线是(34)。某些交换机级联时,需要交换UTP一端的线序,其规则是(35),对变更了线序的UTP级联线,最直接的连通性测试方式是(36)。 空白处(36)应选择()

A. 采用同样的测试设备测试
B. 利用万用电表测试
C. 一端连接计算机测试
D. 串联成一根线测试



A. 非甾类抗炎药
B. 平喘药
C. 解痉药
D. 脱水药
E. 祛痰药

科学家认为,手是使人能够具有高度智慧的三大重要器官之一,其余两个器官是可以感受到三维空间的眼睛和能够处理手眼传来的信息的大脑。在400万年的进化中,人类的手逐渐演变成了大自然所能创造出的最完美的工具。无论是远古还是现代,手都象征着人与神的活动,象征着权力、创造与智慧,对手的崇拜可以在不同的文明中见到。手相不只是江湖术士的花言巧语,科学也对此深感兴趣。研究表明,手指,特别是食指和无名指的长度,与人体的健康有关联。手指的生长和大脑的发育是在同一时期发生的,并且都与子宫内性激素的水平有关。如果孕妇怀孕期间睾丸素水平较高,生下的孩子就更容易成为左撇子,也更容易日后得心脏疾病或孤僻症。女性的无名指往往与食指一样长或者更短,男性的无名指则往往长于食指,而左撇子的无名指通常比食指长出许多。另外,无名指长于食指还是有音乐天分有表现。在哺乳动物中,人类的手独一无二。大拇指同其他四个手指相对的结构是人手的最大优越性,许多类人猿可以将自己的拇指和食指对合,但不能将拇指与中指、无名指以及小指对合,因为它们的手指不够柔韧。只有人类的手指十分灵敏,可以感觉到振幅只有0.00002毫米的振动。研究发现,大脑在说话时会变得活跃的那一部分,在做手势时同样也会活跃起来。科学家还发现,大脑控制手的活动的区域,分布在运动中枢里几个不同的部位,面积达到大脑皮层的四分之一。一个简单的手的动作,例如举起一怀牛奶送到嘴边,会使大脑皮层出现特别强烈的兴奋,这一直是令神经学家不解的迷。 下列对手指的阐述与文意不符的是()

A. 手指的长度与健康相关
B. 手指的长度与音乐才能相关
C. 女人的无名指比食指短一些
D. 无名指较长的可能是左撇子


A. 对
B. 错

What determines the kind of person each of us develops into over a lifetime How much are we influenced by our home environment, and how much are we influenced by our genes (86) One way that psychologists have tried to answer these questions is by studying twins : identical twins ( coming from one fertilized egg, so sharing the same genes) and fraternal twins ( coming from different eggs, so sharing 50% of their genes). By comparing these two groups, researchers hope to be able to estimate the influence of genes versus the influence of environment on the development of many human traits, such as personality, talents, interests, and attitudes.Psychologists from the University of Minnesota have conducted several different studies with over 8,000 pairs of twins and their families. (87) To determine what accounts for differences between twins, they have compared identical twins who were raised together with identical twins who were separated at birth and raised in different families. Their assumption is that any similarity in twins who are raised together can be attributed to both genes and environment, whereas similarities in twins raised apart are clue only to genes, since they had different environments while growing up. Their studies indicate that genes have about a 50% influence on our personalities, while our environment accounts for the other 50%.(88) Researchers in this study have also tried to test the theory that we each develop a set of criteria for choosing a mate based on our genes and our unique experiences growing up. To do this, researchers compared the spouses of male identical twins who were raised together. They found that the spouses of these identical twins were not much more similar to each other than random pairs of people. They also found that two-thirds of the twins were "indifferent" to their twin’s mate or "actively disliked" her. These results indicate that neither our genes nor our upbringing is a good predictor of the spouse we choose. Instead, researchers believe this choice appears to be random, and based more on whom we are near when we are ready to fall in love.Another question this study has sought to answer is whether twins become more or less similar as they mature. They found that as identical twins age, they become less similar in their physical appearance, but more similar in their abilities, such as mathematical skills. On the other hand, as fraternal twins age they become less similar in these abilities.Some psychologists are skeptical of twin studies. (89) These critics question some of the assumptions made by twin researchers, such as the assumption that identical twins and fraternal twins have similar environments, or that identical twins raised apart are raised in very different environments. Some believe that, even in the same environment, there can be disparities in the way this environment affects siblings. As a result, it is difficult to determine clearly how much of our personality is genetically inherited and how much is determined by our environment. 86()
