A. 监理工程师
B. 项目设计师
C. 技术负责人
D. 设计师
The building()by the end of next year will be used as our teaching block.
A. to be completed
B. completed
C. being completed
D. having been completed
Later the VSP manufacturers launched an advertising campaign for the purpose of ______.
A. aiming at middle class users
B. competing with manufacturers of other types of cars
C. selling their products to more country people
D. winning a larger share in the car market
A. 取肾经、肝经为主
B. 取肝经、脾经为主
C. 取脾经、肾经为主
D. 取任脉、督脉为主
E. 取肾经、带脉为主
A. 肺气虚
B. 肺阴虚
C. 气阴两虚
D. 心阴虚
E. 肾阴虚