保本基金的投资者在任何时候均可获得本金保证。 ( )
基金管理公司、银行托管部门应当在允许本单位基金从业人员投资基金之后,制定相关管理制度并报中国证监会及其派出机构备案。 ( )
A. 对
B. 错
“折价交易的封闭式基金收益率较高”属于事件异常的表现。 ( )
A. 对
B. 错
You want to know what the safest place for children 77.______is in the car The experts say the back seat is the safest for 78.______them. The back seat is farthest away off the force of a head- 79.______on collision(迎头撞击), which can lead serious injuries. 80.______If your child is below 8 and weighs no more than 85 81.______pounds, it is necessarily to fit your car with a safety seat.82.______Moreover, the safety seat must be held in place of on the 83.______car’s back seat. If your child do need your attention while 84.______you driving, don’t look back with only one hand on the 85.______wheel. You’d better stop the car. 86.______ 77()
2002年7月4日,中国证券业协会证券投资基金委员会成立,承接了原基金公会的职能和任务,在中国证券业协会的领导下开展工作。 ( )
A. 对
B. 错