
Passage Anecdote of the Jar I placed a jar in Tennessee, And round it was, upon a hill. It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill. The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild. The jar was round upon the ground And tall and of a port in air. It took dominion every where. The jar was gray and bare. It did not give of bird or bus Like nothing else in Tennessee. Questions:
What shape is the jar? Where does the speaker place it?


Discuss the concept of Wasteland in relation to the works of those writers in the 20th century A-merican literature.

Thomas Stearns Eliot s last important work was ______, a profound meditation on time and timelessness, written in four parts.

Thomas Steams Eliot s later poetry took a positive turn toward faith in life. This was demonstrated by______, a poem of mystical conflict between faith and doubt.

Few men of letters have been more fully honored in their own day than______, and even those who strongly disagree with him seemed content with his selection for the Nobel Prize in 1948.
