Disastrous explosions have been caused by accumulations of oil or oil vapour in air lines
A. Oil vapour in air piping are dangerous
B. Explosion will cause oil vapouring in air lines
C. Oil vapour in air piping should be drained
D. Oil in air piping should not be drained
A. 加强对动物防疫活动的管理
B. 预防、控制和扑灭动物疫病
C. 促进养殖业发展,保护人体健康
D. 维护公共卫生
E. 以上都是
A. 榫卯
B. 斜角
C. 槁心
D. 直边
A. 固态
B. 半固态
C. 液态
D. 乳浊液