我同书籍,即将分离。我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,即无可奈何。 这些书,都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。最初零零碎碎,中间成套成批。有的来自京沪,有的来自苏杭。最初,囊中羞涩,也曾交臂相失。中间也曾一掷百金,稍有豪气。总之,时历三十余年,我同他们,可称故旧。 十年浩劫,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们。但它们辗转多处,经受折磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破,终于还是回来了。失去了一些,我有些惋惜,但也不愿去寻觅它们,因为我失去的东西,比起它们,更多也更重要。
The Information Age has radically changed the modern lifestyle. and redefined some of the
Many university students under pressures turn to the Internet for help—not for research, but to find someone to write reports for them. So common is this phenomenon that a new research paper estimated that university students spend up to half a billion yuan a year to have other people write their essays. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: My Views on Ghostwriting
A recent poll on university students self-discipline shows that only 30% of the surveyed students have very good self-control and more than half of them are rated very low in their self-discipline. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: How to Develop College Students Self-Discipline
Do you agree or disagree that change is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to