要一个人独自进食,即使不算重罚,在中国文化中通常也被视为不幸,一种不无悲凉的境地。汉语对吃独食的描述,大都乏善可陈,一句“胡乱吃了些”搪塞过去。中国人的社会中,人必须借饮食与他人沟通,与社会上的人形成生命共同体之感受。 如今,大家庭在解体,晚婚、单身及独居人士逐年增加。即使是全面重建中的民间社会,也不再是原有的形态。最起码,成为一家网站的会员就不需要请网管吃饭。聚众吃饭的机会少了,独自进食仍然是大部分社会成员心理上挥之不去的阴影。到处都在讨论“现代化(或全球化)的困境”,不知道独自进食算不算困境的一种。
A. 50
B. 100
C. 200
D. 300
在聪颖、精明的犹太人眼里,任何东西都是有价的,都能失而复得,只有智慧才是人生无价的财富。而智慧,很大程度上是从书本中得来的。为了让孩子们喜欢书本,当孩子刚懂事时,母亲们就会将蜂蜜滴在书本上,让孩子去舔书上的蜂蜜。其用意是想告诉孩子:书本是甜的。 有些人并不是天生比任何人聪明,但他们更懂得怎样去铸造一枚无价的金币——智慧。智慧是永恒的财富,它引导人通向成功,而且永不会贫穷。
Otaku (御宅族) is a Japanese term used to refer to people, most commonly young people, who spend almost all their time indoors watching television, surfing the Internet and playing games. Nowadays, many otaku turn up in universities. Some people assert it is a fashion while others consider it as escaping reality. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: "Otaku Culture" , a Kind of Fashion or Escaping Reality?
With the rapid development of network, network literature, as a new literary form, has been rising in contemporary literature. This form. of literature allows everybody to be a writer if he or she wants and some net literary works by ordinary people win a lot of support. Some support the development of network literature while others think otherwise. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Is Network Literature Influencing Modern Literature in a Good Way?