A. 7000
B. 8000
C. 9000
D. 10000
A. 木香
B. 川楝子
C. 玫瑰花
D. 青木香
E. 娑罗子
When a waste heat boiler is installed in the exhaust of a main propulsion diesel engine, the exhaust gas bypass would be used _____.(与0805题重复)
A. at high loads to prevent overheating
B. at low loads to prevent corrosion in the boiler
C. during periods of high steam demand
D. when the turbocharger is in operation
A. 采集血液做血常规测定
B. 分离血清,鉴定病毒
C. 采集病料涂片镜检或做细菌培养
D. X光片检查
E. 血清钙测定