The excessive number of safety regulations that the federal government has placed on industry poses more serious hardships for big businesses than for small ones. Since large companies do everything on a more massive scale, they must alter more complex operations and spend much more money to meet governmental requirements. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?
A. Small companies are less likely than large companies to have the capital reserves for improvements.
B. The operations of small companies frequently rely on the same technologies as the operations of large companies.
C. Safety regulation codes are uniform, established without reference to size of company.
D. Large companies typically have more of their profits invested in other businesses than do small companies.
E. Large companies are in general more likely than small companies to diversify their markets and products.
Opponents of laws that require automobile drivers and passengers to wear seat belts argue
A. Many new cars are built with seat belts that automatically fasten when someone sits in the front seat.
B. Automobile insurance rates for all automobile owners are higher because of the need to pay for the increased injuries or deaths of people not wearing seat belts.
C. Passengers in airplanes are required to wear seat belts during takeoffs and landings.
D. The rate of automobile fatalities in states that do not have mandatory seat-belt laws is greater than the rate of fatalities in states that do have such laws.
E. In automobile accidents, a greater number of passengers who do not wear seat belts are injured than are passengers who do wear seat belts.
Naturalist: For decades we have known that the tuatara, a New Zealand reptile, have been approaching extinction on the South Island. But since South Island tuatara were thought to be of the same species as North Island tuatara there was no need to protect them. But new research indicates that the South Island tuatara are a distinct species, found only in that location. Because it is now known that if the South Island tuatara are lost an entire species will thereby be lost, human beings are now obliged to prevent their extinction, even if it means killing many of their unendangered natural predators. Which one of the following principles most helps to justify the naturalists argumentation?
A. In order to maximize the number of living things on Earth, steps should be taken to preserve all local populations of animals.
B. When an animal is in danger of dying, there is an obligation to help save its life, if doing so would not interfere with the health or well-being of other animals or people.
C. The threat of local extinction imposes no obligation to try to prevent that extinction, whereas the threat of global extinction does impose such an obligation.
D. Human activities that either intentionally or unintentionally threaten the survival of an animal species ought to be curtailed.
E. Species that are found in only one circumscribed geographical region ought to be given more care and attention than are other species because they are more vulnerable to extinction.
A societys infant mortality rate is an accepted indicator of that societys general health
A. The figure for infant mortality is compiled as an overall rate and thus masks deficiencies in particular localities.
B. Low birth weight is a contributing factor in more than half of the infant deaths in the United States.
C. The United States has been developing and has achieved extremely sophisticated technology for saving premature and low-birth-weight babies, most of whom require extended hospital stays.
D. In eleven states of the United States, the infant mortality rate declined last year.
E. Babies who do not receive adequate attention from a caregiver fail to thrive and so they gain weight slowly.
Residents of an apartment complex are considering two possible plans for collecting recyclable trash. Flan 1—Residents will deposit recyclable trash in municipal dumpsters located in the parking lot. The trash will be collected on the first and the fifteenth days of each month. Plan 2—Residents will be given individual containers for recyclable trash. The containers will be placed at the curb twice a week for trash collection. Which of the following points raised at a meeting of the residents, if valid, would most favor one of the recycling plans over the other?
A. Residents will be required to exercise care in separating recyclable trash from nonrecyclable trash.
B. For trash recycling to be successful, residents must separate recyclable bottles and cans from recyclable paper products.
C. Penalties will be levied against residents who fail to sort their trash correctly.
D. Individual recycling containers will need to be made of a strong and durable material.
E. Recyclable trash that is allowed to accumulate for two weeks will attract rodents.