
The flight instructor’s certificate must be renewed every 24 months by satisfactorily completing a flight instructor’s refresher course or a practical test designed to ________ aeronautical knowledge, pilot proficiency, and teaching techniques.

A. navigate
B. degrade
C. mitigate
D. upgrade


The course of instruction should be ________ so that each new maneuver embodies the principles involved in the performance of those previously undertaken.

A. laid out
B. laid down
C. laid off
D. laid back

Generally, the student pilot who enrolls in a pilot training program is prepared to commit considerable time, effort, and expense in________ of a pilot certificate.

A. persist
B. pursuit
C. persuade
D. persevere

下列给于鼻饲饮食的患者是( )

A. 婴幼儿
B. 拔牙者
C. 拒绝进食者
D. 食欲减退者
E. 经常呕吐者

患者张某,男性,52岁,有胃溃疡病史。近日来上腹部疼痛加剧,医嘱做粪便隐血实验,可为患者准备的饮食是 ( )

A. 茭白、白菜
B. 芹菜、炒猪肝
C. 油豆腐、鸡血汤
D. 菠菜、红烧鲫鱼
E. 卷心菜、红烧肉
