A. DNS以Zone为单位管理域名称空间
B. Zone中的数据保存在该区域的计算机上
C. 一个DNS服务器能管理多个Zone
D. 一个Zone能由多个DNS服务器管理
A. 各级管理人员特别是各行主要负责人和分管的高管人员,要认真履责,敢抓敢管,以身作则
B. 对出现大案、要案,或措施不得力的,要从严追究高管人员和直接责任人责任
C. 订立职责制,形成明确的制度保障
D. 反复发生大案要案,问题长期得不到有效解决的单位,要从严追究有关高管人员和管理人员的法律责任
A. 待遇
B. 人际关系
C. 工作环境
In a switched LAN network, what is the Spanning-Tree algorithm used for?()
A. It is used to provide a mechanism for routing updates in switched environments.
B. It is used to prevent routing loops in networks with redundant routes.
C. It is used to prevent switching loops in networks with redundant switched routes.
D. It is used to manage, the addition, deletion, and naming of VLANs across multiple switches.
E. It is used to segment a network into multiple collision domains.
F. None of the above.
G. All of the above are functions of ST