
An unhappy family environment can sometimes ______ a child from doing well at school.

A. hold back
B. put back
C. make up
D. break off


In games like tennis, it’s important to ______ even when feeling really tired.

A. look out
B. keep going
C. go round
D. pick up

My grandparents, who were very poor, sometimes ______ food so that their children could eat.

A. went without
B. gave up
C. missed out
D. made up

Let’s ______ our new tennis rackets and see if they’re as good as they’re supposed to be.

A. try on
B. take out
C. pick up
D. try out

In the tennis match, Ben ______ playing aggressively but became less so as the match continued.

A. came out
B. held on
C. started up
D. started off
