
商品的价值量由生产商品的( )决定,商品交换以( )为基础,按照( )的原则进行。


Now watch a video clip and then answer the following questions about it. Getting to know the words and expressions in the box below first might be helpful.1. What is the new world that the speaker talks about in the video?It’s .2. What will objects do with the coming of the Internet of Things?They will be able to,and.3. What will objects understand if we feel hungry in the morning?They will understand that we want to.4. Why does the speaker say that the Internet of Things already exists?Because many everyday objects.5. What can we do when intelligent objects do the work on our behalf?We can concentrate on.6. How will the Internet of Things help us?It will help us save money,,and so on.7. What does the speaker say about the Internet of Things near the end of the video?He says that the Internet of Things.We’re at this very moment.

放电间隙是指:放电时工具电极和()间的距离,它的大小一般在0.01~0.5 mm之间,粗加工时间隙较(),精加工时则较()。


