Why doesn't Jimmy arrest Bob according to Scene 3?
A. Jimmy is also a criminal.
B.Miles wants to arrest Bob.
C.He knows Bob is stronger than him.
D.He doesn’t want to arrest an old friend.
Professor Clark’s tips on developing the script:Tip 1:Give it a plot twist to make it 1)______________.Tip 2:Make it reflect your views of 2)_______________.Tip 3:Try to 3)_______________ about where the action takes place. A sense of place can symbolize the feelings of the characters and 4)_______________.
A. 社区漫步
B. 问卷调查
C. 文献检索
D. 社区访谈(入户摸排)
A. 钙和铁
B. 维生素E和维生素A
C. 锌和叶酸
D. 亚油酸和亚麻酸
A. 5
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25