Although two cells are totally unrelated, one cell receives DNA from the other cell and incorporates this new DNA into its chromosome. This process is _____.
A. crossing over of DNA from the two cells
B. vertical gene transfer
C. horizontal gene transfer
D. transposition
Which of the following statements about CONJUGATION is true?
A. Conjugation requires a sex pilus.
B. Conjugation involves a flagellum.
Conjugation is an artificial genetic engineering technique.
D. Conjugation involves DNA that has been released into the environment.
Which of the following is not a mechanism of natural genetic transfer and recombination?
A. transduction,
B. transformation,
C. transcription,
D. conjugation
发展,对于全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化具有决定性意义,( )始终是社会主义的根本任务,要牢牢扭住经济建设这个中心,为发展中国特色社会主义打下坚实物质基础。
A. 解放和发展社会生产力
B. 发扬社会主义民主
C. 建设美丽中国
D. 加强法制建设
A. 知识分子
B. 人民群众
C. 工人
D. 农民