基础主梁的箍筋是从框架柱边沿多少开始设置第一根的 ( )
A. 100mm
B. 50mm
C. 箍筋间距/2
D. 200mm
抗震框架柱中间楼层的非连接区为≥Max(Hn/6,500,hc)。 ( )
A. 对
B. 错
KL8(5A)表示第8号框架梁,5跨,两端有悬挑 。
A. 对
B. 错
两根梁相交,主梁是次梁的支座,附加箍筋就设置在次梁上 。
A. 对
B. 错
[音频]Three Gorges Dam (Yangtze River, China)---Dr. Paul BenjaminSize: ___1___ miles long and ___2___ feet tallReservoir ___3___ miles longWorkers: more than ___4___Benefits / Reasons for Building the Dam:Provides a ___5___ of energyControl floods on YangtzeRiver deeper, so ___6___ can travel farther up the riverRisks:Will put a lot of ___7___ underwaterMany ___8___ andvillages will probably disappearMany very ___9___ historical andcultural sites will be underwaterSignificant impact onthe ___10___