How do you say 15,858 in English?
A. Fifteen thousands, eight hundred and fifty-eight
B. Fifteen thousand, eight hundreds and fifty eight.
C. Fifteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight
D. Fifteen thousand and eight hundred and fifty-eight.
At night we can see ______ stars in the sky.
A. thousands and thousands of
B. thousand and thousands of
C. a thousand and thousands
D. thousand and thousand
用阿拉伯数字写出下列数词:five thousand ()twelve million ()ten billion ()ten thousand ()three million, one hundred thousand ()
A. 贫血
B. 缺铁性贫血
C. 子宫肌瘤
D. 心悸
A. ①有不规律阴道出血病史
B. ②有头晕乏力、心慌气短、消瘦等症状
C. ③ 血常规RBC2.78×1012/L、Hb85g/L,呈小细胞低色素性贫血;
D. ④有面色苍白,毛发干枯,皮肤干燥、脱屑,结膜苍白等体征;
E. ⑤骨髓铁染色显示骨髓小粒可染铁消失,铁幼粒细胞为;转铁蛋白饱和度为;血清铁蛋白偏低
F. ⑥女性