在1700多年前,两军交战中, 只要战场上挂起有我们图像的旗战斗就立刻停止.凡使用熊猫旗就表示要求和平友好双方就要放下兵戈停止冲突A truth was agreed whenever the flags printed with _____ of xiong maowere raised 1700 years ago. These flags ____, and both sides of the war would stop fighting.
现在我们的名气更大了,经常作为国家礼物被馈赠到外国,还被选为担任世界自然基金会的标志物Now we are known ______, and we are often sent abroad as gifts. We have even been chosen as the mascot of ____
现在我们熊猫家族在全世界只剩下1000来只.我们期待着人类对动物有更多的爱护There are only around 1,000 xiong mao ____ in our family all over the world. We hope that people will offer more ____ animals.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错