A. 中国劳动力资源的绝对量依然较大,劳动力供给潜力有待继续挖掘;
B. 劳动力的地域和产业转移会产生巨大红利;
C. 老龄化人口逐渐减少,劳动力资源充沛,年富力强;
D. 人口素质提高,将创造二次人口红利;
The boss retains enormous ___ by reason of his position.
A. fluent
B. fluency
C. influence
D. influential
Creativity is a human ___.
A. personality
B. trait
C. particularity
D. specialty
The deal must be ___ to both sides.
A. helpless
B. hostile
C. agreeable
D. disadvantage
They are to ___ 100,000 US dollars.
A. inherit
B. inherited
C. heritage
D. successive