颈托的作用,不包括哪个(The role of the neck brace, which it does not include)
A. 固定颈椎于适当的位置,改变不良体位,以保持正常体位 (Fix the cervical spine in a proper position and change the unhealthy posture to maintain the normal posture)
B. 限制颈部过度活动以保持局部稳定 (Limit excessive neck movement to maintain local stability)
C. 缓解与改善锥间隙的压力状态,减少颈椎间盘的劳损、退变 (Relieve and improve the pressure state of the cone space, reduce the strain and degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc)
D. 属于小手术的治疗方式 (Belongs to the treatment of minor surgery)