A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
Translate the following Chinese paragraph into English.在历史的长河中,犹太人由于各种原因很容易受到攻击。二战期间,希特勒声称德国的问题都是犹太人造成的,他的话被醒目地刊登在报纸上。为了逃避大屠杀,25,000名犹太人来到上海避难。当时的上海是一座非同寻常的国际化大都市。 让犹太人惊叹不已的是当地的中国人善良且富有同情心。上海犹太难民纪念馆收藏着大量的照片和其他实物(artifacts),旨在传达记住历史,热爱和平的信息。
Task 1 Identify the part speech of the underlined word in each sentence. (n. / v. / adj. / adv. /prep. / conj. )1. We went to a wonderfulshowin Beijing. __________2. Jenny wanted toshowJack her photos.____________3. HenrythoughtClaire looked beautiful._____________4. A strangethoughtcame into her head. _____________5. The windows areclean.______________6. We shouldcleanthe windows.______________7. Wendy is feeling quitetirednow._____________8. Studying all daytiredWendy out._______________9. We did somehardwork._________________10. They workedhard.__________________