
The following paragraph is THE VERVIEW OF THE READING. Please fill in the missing blanks with thecorrect formof given words.The passage describes how artist 1__________ worked with 2__________, or catadores, at a landfill in Brazil to 3__________ a piece of art using garbage. He managed to sell a photograph of his art for $50,000, which he gave to the workers' 4__________. Through the project, Muniz wanted to 5__________ the lives and 6__________the self-esteem of the catadores, who made a living by searching the landfill for materials to sell to 7__________. Even though their work was difficult and dangerous and their wages were low, the catadores 8__________ their jobs and the good they did for the environment.



A. 浆液性腺泡
B. 黏液性腺泡
C. 混合性腺泡
D. 纯浆液性腺泡,并有泡心细胞

肝的狄氏间隙(窦周隙)存在于( )

A. 肝小叶之间
B. 肝细胞之间
C. 肝细胞和肝血窦内皮之间
D. 肝板之间

胆小管的管壁是由( )组成的

A. 血窦内皮细胞
B. 血窦内皮细胞和肝巨噬细胞
C. 血窦内皮细胞和肝细胞
D. 肝细胞膜

胰腺实质由什么构成( )

A. 腺泡和结缔组织
B. 腺泡和导管
C. 腺泡和胰岛
D. 外分泌部和内分泌部
