条形图是最简明醒目,又易于绘制、易于理解且应用最广的一种统计图。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Complete the passage with the correct form of the words:createdecideperfectinspirefurnishmentWhen the Internet connection is less than [1]people very quickly [2]it is the fault of the server. However, in many cases if they just made a [3]to install a firewall or an anti-virus program, they would have wasted so much bandwidth. Firewalls and anti-virus programs are [4]by some very clever people. Their main [5]is to provide the easiest answer to most Internet problems. Many computers are [6].
下列固定资产中,当月不应计提折旧的固定资产是( )。
A. 大修理停用的固定资产
B. 当月报废减少的固定资产
C. 上月已划转为持有待售的固定资产
D. 因季节性生产暂时停用的固定资产
下列固定资产中,当月不应计提折旧的是 ()。
A. 当月增加的固定资产
B. 当月已出售的不需用设备
C. 正在进行改建扩建的办公楼
D. 已提足折旧仍继续使用的固定资产