用于识别区分氏族,实行族外婚及其作用是别婚姻的是( )
下列对名、字、号的解释中,正确的是( )。
A. 名是一个人区别于其他人的称号
B. 古人幼时取名以供长辈呼唤
C. 字是古人成年后取的别名,与名相表里,又叫“表字”
D. 韩愈字退之,“愈”和“退之”则意义相同
E. 号是古人在名和字以外的别名,一般为调侃、戏弄
A. 10~15
B. 15~20
C. 15~25
D. 15~30
______________ (要不是她昨天忙于工作),she would have come to see you.
A. If she hadn't been busy doing her work yesterday
B. If she was not busy doing her work yesterday
C. If she hasn't been busy doing her work yesterday
D. If she is not busy doing her work yesterday
It is surprising that ________(她竟然拒绝帮助我们).
A. she refuse to help us
B. she refuses to help us
C. she refused to help us
D. she will refuse to help us