
A study of the impact of various government policies on economic growth would be considered()

A. government economics
B. marginal economics
C. macroeconomics
D. microeconomics


Which branch of economics is most likely to study differences in countries’ growth rates()

A. microeconomics
B. macroeconomics
C. experimental economics
D. normative economics

By convention, there are two major divisions of economics, called()

A. reservation price and opportunity cost
B. rational economics and irrational economics
C. microeconomics and macroeconomics
D. marginal benefit and marginal cost

The extra cost that results from carrying out one additional unit of an activity is the__ of the activity()

A. opportunity cost
B. reservation cost
C. marginal cost
D. marginal benefit

The Incentive Principle is an example of()

A. over-estimating the benefits of an action
B. an economic decision-making pitfall
C. a normative economic principle
D. a positive economic principle
