
Wordsworth was a masterhand in searching and revealing the feelings of _____()

A. the common people
B. the noble class
C. all the people
D. the romanticists


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’ poetry is noted for its _____()

A. art for art’s sake
B. originality
C. didacticism
D. innovation

Which of the following is not written by Daniel Defoe()

A. Tom Jones
B. Robinson Crusoe
C. Moll Flanders
D. A Journey of the Plague Year

Captain Ahab is a character in which of the following works()

A. Moby Dick
B. “O Captain,My Captain”
C. The Gilded Age
D. Walden

The polices of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and()

A. government intervention
B. nationalization of enterprises
C. social reform
D. a belief in individualism
