
Which of the following is false about “Verse”()

A. Melodies of verse change as songs move on
B. Song titles are usually not in verse
C. What changes in verses is the lyrics
D. The purpose of verse is to tell a story


The chorus has the second short melodies. It is lyric-music combination that is repeated with___throughout the song()

A. little or no change
B. lyrics’ changing
C. melodies’ changing
D. lyrics’ and melodies’ changing

Which of the following is not the right way to learn English through music()

A. Make sure you know the lyrics
B. Relate English songs to their cultural background
C. Think about the genres and themes of English songs
D. Accept your understanding of the songs as final

Which one of the following is false about music genres()

A. Music genres refers to the similarities in form, style, or subject matter
B. Most popular music genres include jazz, blues, rock, country, among others
C. There is a clear line between each music genres
D. Music genres may overlap

Speaking of learning English through culture and music, what kind of music is not suitable for leanrning English()

A. Pick the music you love
B. Find music uses the right kind of language
C. Start with pop music and then branch out
D. Any English with lyrics is suitable
