


Which of the following statements about technology PGD is not true?()

A. PGD ensures every baby it produces is free of potential cancers.
B. PGD first screens and picks out embryos having no genetic cancer genes.
C. PGD is an extra procedure to the normal in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
D. PGD then implants several healthy embryos into a mother’s womb.


to be relevant to
to focus attention on
to carry on
to read through
to complain about
1.Realizing the serious power shortages this year, the Chinese government is __________ finding a solution to this problem. 2.Job applicants are usually asked about what experience they have that ____________ the position they are applying for. 3.You’ll have an accident if you __________ driving like that. 4.It pays to spend a couple of minutes just __________ your essay before submitting it. 5.Janet often ________ not feeling appreciated at work.


A. 3-7m
B. 1-5m
C. 2-6m
D. 4-8m
