紫砂壶创制于哪个朝代?In which dynasty was the purple caly pot created?
A. 清代Qing Dynasty
B. 明末Ming Dynasty
C. 北宋the Northern Song Dynasty
D. 南宋the Southern Song Dynasty
世界上第一本茶叶著作《茶经》成书于( )The book of Tea, the first tea book in the world, was written in
A. 汉Han
B. 隋Sui
C. 唐Tang
D. 宋Song
《神农本草》是最早记载茶的书籍。Shennong Herbal Classic is the earliest book to record tea.
A. 对
B. 错
宋代的饮茶方式叫煎茶Tea drinking in the Song Dynasty was called Jiancha.
A. 对
B. 错