
“I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud”is a poem written by the romantic poet .


“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"',“An Evening Walk"',“My Heart Leaps up'and“Tintern Abbey" are all masterpieces on.

“When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils.'In the above quotation taken from William Wordsworth's poem“l Wandered Lonely as a Cloud", the word "host’ refers to ﹒

A. a large number
B. few
C. dancing group
D. quiet group

Which of the following is not written by Wordsworth only?

A. The Solitary Reaper
B. The Lyrical Ballads
C. Lucy Poems
D. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

Match the English sentence with its correspoding Chinese sentence
