[音频]Nowadays you don't have to go to the theatre or own electronic devices like TVs or DVD players to watch movies. People can watch movies on hundreds of online movie websites. Usually you will have to (1) some fee to find all the latest movies you want at that website. Because of the (2) competition between online movie websites, you can actually get online movies for (3) at many movie websites. Searching these kinds of free movie websites is not at all difficult. Just include the word "free" before the movie name in any good (4) engine and it will instantly take you there.
A. 稻盛和夫
B. 德鲁克
C. 马云
D. 索罗斯
B. Shopee
C. Aliexpress
D. Tmall
A. 努力钻研,谦虚戒骄
B. 要有大局观
C. 注重对细节的把握
D. 养成良好的工作习惯