
Section B
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.
Leadership is hardly a new area of research, of course. For years, academics have debated whether leaders are born or made, whether a person who lacks charisma(capacity to inspire devotion and enthusiasm) can become a leader, and what makes leaders fail. Warren G. Bennis, possibly the world's foremost expert on leading, has, together with his co-author, written two best-sellers on the topic. Generally, researchers have found that you can't explain leadership by way of intelligence, birth order, family wealth or stability, level of education, race, or sex. From one leader to the next, there's enormous variance in every one of those factors.
The authors' research led to a new and telling discovery: that every leader, regardless of age, had undergone at least one intense, transformational experience what the authors call a "crucible" (severe test). These events can either make you or break, you. For emerging leaders, they do more making than breaking, providing key lessons to help a person move ahead confidently.
If a crucible helps a person to become leader, there are four essential qualities that allow someone to remain one, according to the authors. They are: an "adaptive capacity" that lets people not only survive inevitable setbacks, heartbreaks, and difficulties but also learn from them; an ability to engage others through shared meaning or a common vision; a distinctive and compelling voice that communicates one's conviction and desire to do the right thing; and a sense of integrity that allows a leader to distinguish between good and evil.
That sounds obvious enough to be commonplace, until you look at some recent failures that show how valid these dictums (formal statements of opinion) are. The authors believe that former Coda Cola Co. Chairman M. Douglas Ivester lasted just 28 months because "his grasp of context was sorrowful." Among other things, Ivester degraded Coke's highest-ranking African-American even as the company was losing a $200 million class action brought by black employees. Procter & Gamble Co. ex-CEO Durk Jager lost his job because he failed to communicate the urgent need for the sweeping changes he was making.
It's striking, too, that the authors found their geezers(whose formative period, as the authors define them, was 1945 to 1954, and who were shaped by World War II) sharing what they believed to be a critical trait the sense of possibility and wonder more often associated with childhood. "Unlike those defeated by time and age, our geezers have remained much like our geeks (who came of age between 1991 and 2000, and grew up 'virtual, visual, and digital')—open, willing to take risks, hungry for knowledge and experience, courageous, and eager to see what the new day brings", the authors write.
The text indicates that leadership research ______.

A. has been a controversial study for years
B. predicts how a leader comes to be
C. defines the likelihood to be a leader
D. probes the mysteries of leadership


A.He had his car hit by a failing piece of concrete.B.He was fined for speeding in Sou

A. He had his car hit by a failing piece of concrete.
B. He was fined for speeding in South Street.
C. He had been unable to park his specially-made car.
D. He could not claim anything from the insurance company.

With the development of spread-spectrum technique, we may use Bluetooth connection as a substitute for cell phone.

A. Y
B. N

Making sure that Bluetooth and its connected devices don't interfere with one another can

A. Y
B. N

In these times, when our form. of government is being criticized by people of many different persuasions, it is important that we understand the principles on which our society was founded. Too often these principles are disregarded by the very people who are most vociferous(大声叫的) in defending the country against criticism. Basic to our democracy is belief that truth can only be arrived at through a free interchange of ideas. Freedom of speech is one of our most cherished values. Nevertheless, with a total disregard of the principles of democratic fair play, the average citizen is apt to hurl harsh accusations in an attempt to silence anyone who may not agree with him Too many citizens understand democracy only as a slogan and have no real concept that democracy in practice means we must tolerate the expression of unpopular ideas.
Our list of deadly sins should be revised to include the misrepresentation of principles to gratify one's personal spite or vanity, the betrayal of great causes by making them the cloak or personal advancement, and the debasement of high ideals by using them as a pretext for the calumniation(诽谤) of honorable men.
The common good should not be made a political football, for the only thing that binds men is a common trust, the thing that unites them is a cause they share. That cause must be something greater than mere personal aggrandizement(强化). The cause for which men live and fight cannot appeal to their pocketbook alone, but must also appeal to their hearts.
Let's take a lesson from those revolutionaries who promise impoverished people not only land but also a vision. It is true that their policies often contradict the promises they make. but they first win their way by proclaiming a vision which inspires people. Lenin himself, the supreme technician of policy, knew he could not achieve his ends simply by playing up discontents. Master as he was at that game, he knew he could not win the people over merely by stirring up hatreds or appealing to self-interest. The people must feel the throb of a greater cause, glimpse a vision of a better world.
This vision is particularly necessary to win the loyalties of the young. We certainly will not inspire them if we make our cause on the ground that capitalistic planning is more efficient for what and for whom. The planners are sometimes efficient enough in seeking their own gain at the expense of the common good. No, we must seek stronger and higher ground if we are to convince even ourselves that ours is the best way.
That is why it is wretched that in this country we are so contented about our heritage. We do not appreciate the strength and vitality of the thing that unites us. So we carry little conviction when we are challenged to defend our way of life.
The author's attitude toward the basic principles of democracy is apparently one of ______.

A. objective interest
B. hesitant acceptance
C. pessimistic disillusionment
D. enthusiastic endorsement
