
There are three general methods people use to explain and understand their world:beliefs,pseudo-science, and science. What are beliefs? Well,simply put,beliefs are what you believe to be true. In this first method of interpreting man and the world, certain people proved the information about how the world works. Their teachings are beyond question. Their followers accept these beliefs because they want to accept them, not because of scientific evidence. Some examples are religions,such as Christianity. Christians believe in one God. who created the universe and all that is in it. They believe that this God is active in history,guiding and teaching His people. Like many religions,Christianity provides a number of specific moral rules and principles that make up an important part of its teachings. Superstitions,such as Fung Shui.are also common examples of beliefs. Pseudoscience.also called fake science,is any body or knowledge,methodology,belief,or practice that claims to be scientific or is made to appear scientific, but is actually not. In pseudoscience,people accept opinions,or choose to believe certain facts while intentionally ignoring others,resulting in a false understanding of things and events. Beliefs in magic,monsters,and ghosts fall into this category. Both Chinese Qigong and Indian Yoga are very good physical exercises that can help their practitioners keep fit,but when some magical power,they are turning Qigong or Yoga into pseudoscience. Many people follow pseudoscience be-cause belief in magic or mysterious powers is entertaining. Astrology has millions of followers all around the world, nol because it helps them deal with the world in any better way,only because it is just fun. Of the three methods,only science provides a rational way of understanding the world. It does not provide a moral system as religion does, and it may not always be as entertaining as pseudoscience sometimes is,but it is the only method that requires constant testing of facts,beliefs and ideas,resulting in changing theories as we get new information. Science teaches us to draw conclusions based on evidence and it also teaches us that some evidence is stronger than other evidence,and how to judge the evidence. Through our study of science,we learn to accept uncertainty,to question facts and theories,and to search constantly for truth. Most of us use all three methods in different proportions to view our world. Some scientists believe in theories without supporting evidence. And the scientific method is often used for unscientific purposes. But science is the only method that is constantly changing. It does not depend on the teachings of one man. Each scientist builds on the work of others and his findings,in turn,are used by others to increase our knowledge of the world.
Which of the following would be a good title of the passage?

A. Science and Pseudoscience.
B. Religion and Science.
C. Science, Pseudoscience and Religion.
Different Ways of Viewing the World.


规范全世界精神科医生行为的准则为 ()

A. 《希波克拉底誓言》
B. 《赫尔辛基宣言》
C. 《纽伦堡法典》
D. 《纪念白求恩》
E. 《夏威夷宣言》

引起慢性支气管炎急性发作最常见的细菌是 ()

A. 奈瑟球菌
B. 甲型链球菌
C. 肺炎链球菌
D. 草绿色链球菌
E. 金黄色葡萄球菌


A. 呼吸费力伴呼吸延长
B. 呼吸频率增快
C. 呼吸困难与发绀
D. 神经精神症状
E. 双肺大量湿啰音

支气管炎急性发作期最重要的治疗措施是 ()

A. 应用糖皮质激素
B. 应用支气管扩张剂
C. 应用祛痰止咳药
D. 增强免疫功能
E. 抗感染治疗
