A. 神经炎
B. 失语
C. 通气过度
D. 心肌抑制
E. 血栓性静脉炎
A. 内服给药后
B. 皮下注射给药后
C. 静脉注射给药后
D. 肌肉注射给药后
E. 呼吸道吸入给药后
Intact buoyancy is a term used to describe ().
A. The volume of all intact spaces above the waterline
B. An intact space below the surface of a flooded area
C. An intact space which can be flooded without causing a ship to sink
D. The space at which all the vertical upward forces of buoyancy are considered to be concentrated
A. 保卫主管随护
B. 保卫领班随护
C. 保卫人员随护
D. 保卫经理随护