Canada is larger than ____________ country in Asia.
A. any
B. any other
C. other
D. another
根据《公司法》的规定,监事的任期每届为( )年,任期届满,连选可以连任。
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
A. 振水音
B. 胃型蠕动波
C. 呕吐后腹胀可减轻
D. 呕吐物中有隔餐或隔日食物
E. 水电解质和酸碱失衡
The best topic for the passage is "_________".
A. What Is a Telescope
B. The History of Telescopes
C. How a Telescope Works
D. How Far a Telescope Can Reach
He hopes he can visit the United Nations building while he ____________ in New York next summer.
A. has been
B. is
C. will be
D. shall be