(三)阅读下面这篇现代文并回答问题。(16分) 城市和旷野 毕淑敏 城市是一粒粒精致的银扣,缀在旷野的黑绿色大氅上,不分昼夜地熠熠闪光。 我所说的旷野,泛指崇山峻岭,河流海洋,湖泊森林,戈壁荒漠……一切人烟罕至保存原始风貌的地方。 旷野和城市,从根本上讲,是对立的。 人们多以为和城市相对应的那个词,是乡村。比如常说“城乡差别”“城里人乡下人”,其实乡村不过是城市发育的低级阶段。再简陋的乡村,也是城市的一脉兄长。 惟有旷野与城市永无声息地对峙着。城市侵袭了旷野昔日的领地,驱散了旷野原有的驻民,破坏了旷野古老的风景,越来越多地以井然有序的繁华,取代我行我素的自然风光。 城市是人类所有伟大发明的需求地,展览厅,比赛场,评判台。如果有一双慧眼从宇宙观看夜晚的地球,他一定被城市不灭的光芒所震撼。旷野是舒缓的,城市是激烈的。旷野是宁静的,城市喧嚣不已。旷野对万物具有强大的包容性,城市几乎是人的一统天下…… 人们为了从一个城市,越来越快地到达另一个城市,发明了各种各样的交通工具。人们用最先进的通讯手段联结一座座城市,使整个地球成为无所不包的网络。可以说,人们离开广义上的城市已无法生存。 我读过一则登山报道,一位成功地攀上了珠穆朗玛峰的勇敢者,在返回营地的途中,遭遇暴风雪,被困,且无法营救。人们只能通过卫星,接通了他与家人的无线电话。冰暴中,他与遥距万里的城市内的妻子,讨论即将出生的孩子的姓名,飓风为诀别的谈话伴奏。几小时后,电话再次接通主峰,回答城市呼唤的是旷野永恒的沉默。 我以为这凄壮的一幕,具有几分城市和旷野的象征,城市是人们用智慧和心血,勇气和时间,一代又一代堆积起来的庞然大物,在城市里,到处文明的痕迹,以至于后来的人们,几乎以为自己被甲执兵,无坚不摧。但在城市以外的广袤大地,旷野无声地统治着苍穹,傲视人寰。 人们把城市像巨钉一样,楔入旷野,并以此为据点,顽强地繁衍着后代,创造出溢光流彩的文明。旷野在最初,漠然置之,甚至是温文尔雅的接受着。但旷野一旦反扑,人就一筹莫展了。尼雅古城,庞贝古城……一系列历史上辉煌的城郭名字,湮灭在大地的皱褶里。 人们建造了越来越多越来越大的城市,以满足种种需要,旷野日益退缩着。但人们不应忽略旷野,漠视旷野,而要寻觅出与其相亲相守的最佳间隙。善待旷野就是善待人类自身。要知道,人类永远不可能以城市战胜旷野,旷野是大自然的肌肤。 皮之不存,毛将焉附?! 下面两个句子在文中各有什么含义?(4分)(1)城市几乎是人的一统天下。(2)皮之不存,毛将焉附?
计算题据研究证实,人工喂养婴儿每日需蛋白质3.5克/公斤左右,而100毫升牛奶含蛋白质3.5克。请问: 如果对一名体重7公斤左右的半岁婴儿进行人工喂养,那么这名婴儿一天需要摄入多少牛奶?
Various innovations have been introduced as ways to break off our system which forces students through a series of identical classrooms in which teachers do most of the talking and students have little opportunity to respond. Among these innovations are team teaching and teacher aides, non-graded elementary and secondary schools, independent study, curricula focused on helping students discover things for themselves rather than on trying to tell them everything, and schools designed for maximum flexibility so that students can work alone, or in small groups, or take part in large group instruction via diverse media. The aim of all these innovations is to adapt instruction more precisely to the needs of each individual student. Many people who have a strong dislike to organizing instruction scientifically and to bringing new technology into the schools and colleges fail to realize that the present system is in many respects mechanical and rigid. The vast differences in the ways students learn are disregarded when they are taught the same thing, in the same way, at the same time. There is no escaping the evidence that many students themselves feel little enthusiasm and even outright hostility for the present way schools and collages are organized and instruction is handled. Many of them resent technology, but what they object to is usually technology used as a means for handling a large number of students. Or it is programming which merely reproduces conventional classroom responds and learns, reaching new plateaus from which to climb to higher levels of understanding. Technological media can store information until it is needed or wanted. They can distribute it over distances to reach the student where he happens to be. They can present the information to the student through various senses. They can give the student the opportunity to react to the material in many ways. In short, the student’s opportunities for learning can be increased and enhanced by using a wide range of instructional technology. All the available resources for instruction, including the teacher, can work together to create conditions for maximum effective learning. It can be inferred from the article that a good educational system must ______.
A. not depend on teachers
B. make use of varying methods of teaching
C. place a renewed emphasis on science
D. not organize their instruction