A. 采取了预防性技术措施
B. 采取了减少危险、危害的措施
C. 通过合理的设计
D. 能通过联锁装置
A. 科学计算
B. 实时控制
C. 数据处理
D. 人工智能
A. 堆冷
B. 灰砂冷
C. 炉冷
D. 坑冷
Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) HIRE_DATE DATE You issue these statements: CREATE table new_emp ( employe_id NUMBER, name VARCGAR2(30)); INSERT INTO new_emp SELECT employee_id, last_name from employees; Savepoint s1; UPDATE new_emp set name = UPPER(name); Savepoint s2; Delete from new_emp; Rollback to s2; Delete from new_emp where employee_id=180; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James'; Rollback to s2; UPDATE new_emp sey name = 'James' Where employee_id=180; Rollback; At the end of this transaction, what is true? ()
A. You have no rows in the table.
B. You have an employee with the name of James.
C. You cannot roll back to the same savepoint more than once.
D. Your last update fails to update any rows because employee ID 180 was already deleted.