
一个事务的执行,要么全部完成,要么全部不做,一个事务中对数据库的所有操作都是一个不可分割的操作序列,这是事务的( )

A. 原子性
B. 一致性
C. 独立性
D. 持久性


The program in the poster is intended for

A. volunteers in nursing homes
B. doctors and medical students
C. students with no medical background
D. healthcare workers in community hospitals

What training will also be offered in the course in addition to CPR First Aid skills?

A. Housework slills.
B. Child and infant CPR.
C. Self-care guide for seniors.
D. Basic kmowledge of medicine.

Participants of full course will receive

A. a certification card
B. a small amount of money
C. a chance for advanced training
D. an offer to work in Chabad Center

在复式记账法下,对每项经济业务都可以相等的金额,在( )中进行登记。

A. 不同的账户
B. 两个账户
C. 两个或两个以上账户
D. 一个或一个以上账户
