As early as in the Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties the Chinese Wushu was integrated with the concepts of Buddhism and_______________.
A. Confucianism
B. Islam
C. Taoism
D. Lamaism
Wushu has developed into a great variety of styles and has the main types except for __________.
A. bare-handed boxing
B. bare- foot boxing
C. combat
D. collective performances
In general, the Chinese Wushu is a traditional martial art which attaches great importance to_________________.
A. internal temperament
B. mental attitude
C. potential of the human being
D. and C
According to the text in order to achieve the artistic effects Wushu also learnt from_________________.
A. acrobatics
B. dance
C. music
D. painting
[多选] 勃氏仪由()等几部分组成.
A. 透气圆筒
B. 压力计
C. 透气筒
D. 抽气装置