

A. 监测血糖变化
B. 合理控制孕妇饮食
C. 可选用适宜的口服降糖药治疗
D. 指导患者适度运动



A. 卧床休息,不随意走动
B. 监测白细胞计数
C. 监测胎儿宫内安危
D. 保持外阴清洁干燥,目前无需使用抗生素


A. See the Pope.
B. Go to Newcastle.
C. Travel to Germany.
D. Tour an Italian city.

listening mp3

A. He wa taken to hospital in an ambulance.
B. His car hit a sign and was badly damaged.
C. His GPS system went out of order.
D. He ended up in the wrong place.

listening mp3

A. Scotland will reach the national target in carbon emissions reduction ahead of schedule.
B. Glasgow City Councial has made a deal with ScottishPower on carbon emissions.
C. Glasgow has pledged to take the lead in reducing carbon emissions in the UK.
D. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon urged Scottish Power to reduce carbon emissions.
