大多数腰椎病患者最先出现的症状是?(Which is the first symptom of most patients with lumbar spondylosis?)
A. 脚麻 (Numbness in legs)
B. 大腿痛 (Thigh pain)
C. 腰痛 (Low back pain)
D. 大小便失禁 (Incontinence)
关于直腿抬高试验说法错误的是?(Which is wrong about the straight leg lifting test?)
A. 正常人可抬高80度以上 (Normal people can raise their legs more than 80 degrees)
B. 试验时踝关节、膝关节应伸直 (The ankle and knee joints should be straightened during the test)
C. 应缓慢抬高 (Should raise the leg slowly)
D. 抬高受限或感到疼痛剧烈,为直腿抬高试验阳性 (Limited lift or severe pain, positive for straight leg lift test)
关于腰椎病患者下肢感觉障碍下列说法不正确的是?(About the lower limb sensory dysfunction in patients with lumbar spondylosis, which of the following statement is incorrect? )
A. 早期多表现为皮肤感觉过敏 (Early manifesting as skin allergies)
B. 渐而出现麻木、感觉障碍 (Gradually appear numbness, sensory disorder)
C. 没有刺痛感 (No pricking)
D. 感觉障碍区与受累神经支配区相一致 (Sensory disturbance zone coincides with affected innervation zone)
椎间盘由什么构成?(Which constitutes an intervertebral disc?)
A. 髓核、椎体 (Nucleus pulposus, vertebral body)
B. 纤维环及椎体 (Fibrous ring and vertebral body)
C. 髓核及纤维环 (Nucleus pulposus and annulus)
D. 纤维环、髓核及椎体 (Fibrous ring,Nucleus pulposus and vertebral body)
以下不属于马尾综合征表现的是?(Which of the following is not the manifestation of cauda equina syndrome?)
A. 鞍区麻木 (Numbness in Saddle)
B. 恶心呕吐 (Feel sick and vomit )
C. 大小便失常 (Abnormal urination)
D. 会阴肛周感觉异常 (Abnormalperianal sensation)