
To encourage the elephants to paint well, the keeper ______.

A. bought them a lot of art supplies
B. made them excited at the beginning
C. taught them to hold a paintbrush with their trunks
D. reinforced the desired behaviors with rewards


To protect himself and his eggs, the male sea horse does all the following EXCEPT______.

A. changrng his color
B. gripping a piece of grass
C. staying motionless
D. enlarging his pouch

To be successful in negotiations, one must______.

A. meet his boss at the appropriate time
B. arrive at the fiegotiation table punctually
C. be good at influencing the outcome of the interaction
D. be familiar with what the boss likes and dislikes

As a result of President Bushes reform, retired people may have ______.

A. a higher sense of security,
B. less secured payments.
C. less chance to invest.
D. a guaranteed future.


A. 肖某为一起强奸案的被害人,为确定肖某受暴力伤害的情况,侦查人员拟对她进行人身检查。如果肖某拒绝检查,不得对她进行强制检查;如果肖某同意检查,可以由医师进行检查,且男医师也可检查
B. 刘某住某市某区,因涉嫌抢夺罪被某市检察院批准逮捕。由于案情复杂,期限届满侦查不能终结,侦查机关报请某市检察机关批准延长一个月
C. 郭某(23岁)、黄某(22岁,既聋又哑)于2006年5月21日夜里潜入某办公大楼某公司办公室里盗窃,获得赃物合计 12000余元。2006年5月28日晚上11点二犯罪嫌疑人欲再次盗窃被保安抓获,遂对其进行讯问,而二犯罪嫌疑人拒不开口,保安将其移交公安机关
D. 2003年8月至2005年1月,犯罪嫌疑人陶某、施某、叶某合伙出资向境外订购走私香烟。公安机关在侦查陶某、施某、叶某走私案时,对三人的住处及赃物存放地进行搜查并对搜查过程中所获取的走私香烟及其他有关物品进行扣押。公安机关发现其中被扣押的某些物品与本案无关时应该在5日内返还物品持有人
