A. 宣泄
B. 领悟
C. 强化控制
D. 增强自信心
E. 建议
A. 厌恶疗法
B. 自由联想
C. 宣泄
D. 移情
E. 释梦
A. 代币法
B. 森田疗法
C. 满灌法
D. 厌恶疗法
E. 系统脱敏法
For 8051 single chip microcomputer, its internal RAM 20h-2FH unit is used.
A. Bit only addressing
Byte addressing only
C. It can be bit addressable and byte addressable
D. Only a few bits can be addressed
After the MCS-51 is reset, the MCU starts to execute instructions from the () unit of ROM.
A. 0001H
B. 0000H
C. 0003H
D. 0023H