It’s your “bread and butter.” "bread and butter" means__________.
A. 奶油面包
B. 主要收入来源
C. 工作
D. 黄油面包片
Strive for perfection. Strive to be the best. “strive” means___________.
A. conflict
B. suffere severely
C. try very hard to achieve sth.
D. attack repeatedly
View your job as a duty. View your work as your mission. "view" can be replaced by__________.
A. regard
B. look on
C. watch
D. inspect
Be convinced it’s a terrific position. The sentence means______________.
A. Persuade others to like this job.
B. Tell others to do this job.
C. Doubt whether it is a good position or not.
D. Believe that it is a good job.
Our job is only a source of income.
A. 对
B. 错