科学社会主义对未来社会发展的判断与主张完全是脱离实际的。( )
Write a topic sentence for the following paragraphs.. First, fruits and vegetables are packed with the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your body functioning smoothly. In addition, they give you carbohydrates you need for energy. Fruits and vegetables have lots of fiber to help your digestive system work properly. Finally, many scientists believe that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help fight diseases. If you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, you’ll be on the road to better health.
. One way is to turn lights off and appliances when they are not in use. Another way is to drive cars less. People can also insulate their houses better. Finally, by recycling things like bottles and plastic bags, people can reduce the amount of waste. By practicing these simple guidelines, we can save our natural resources.
. Some people opt not to bike to and from work because they are afraid of riding in heavyrush-hour traffic on the city's relatively narrow streets. The condition of the pavement on some streets can deter cyclists who worry about popping a tire going over a bump or pothole. And people aren't going to ride their bikes to work or to shop if they can't park them securely, without fear of returning to find a missing wheel.
.One Japanese study found that people who spent three-plus evening hours in front of screens were more likely to report insufficient sleep, though they weren't sleeping less than other people. And addictive screen time createsa deficit for everything else. While we log 4.5 hours a day watching TV, a self-reported third of us, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, still fail to get the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. We don't hang out with friends and neighbors, though socializing is highly correlated with happiness. We think we're broke, but if we moonlighted for half that TV time at minimum wage, it would add an additional $465 each month to the family budget.