

A. Because it was owned by a rich person.
Because it was the only meeting place for people.
C. Because it has always been standing there.
D. Because it had a special place in the city's history.



A. It teaches students how to raise cows.
B. It teaches students how to taste ice cream.
C. It offers a class to teach how to make ice cream.
D. It sells nine different flavors of ice cream on campus.


A. He sells ice cream at the university ice cream store.
B. He works for a popular American ice cream company.
C. He manages a farm which produces milk to make ice cream.
D. He teaches students how to make ice cream at the university.

郑某2018年3月购买福利彩票获得奖金9 000元,领奖时发生交通费50元、食宿费20元(均由郑某承担)。已知偶然所得适用的个人所得税税率为20%。郑某中奖收入应缴纳的个人所得税税额是()元。

A. 0
B. 9 000×20%=1 800
C. (9 000-50)×20%=1 790
D. (9 000-50-20)×20%=1 786

某保险代理人郑某2016年3月与北京某家保险公司签约,提供兼职代理业务,其5月份取得佣金收入5万元、奖励费收入1万元,支付地方税费及附加2 500元。下列关于郑某取得佣金收入缴纳个人所得税的说法中,正确的是()。

A. 郑某的佣金收入应按照“工资、薪金所得”计算征税
B. 郑某取得奖励费收入并非佣金,因此不缴纳个人所得税
C. 郑某支付的地方税费及附加,可以在计算个人所得税时扣除
D. 郑某在税前扣除的展业成本,为佣金收入5万元的40%
