
A business opens on 1 January 20X4 in a shop which is on a 20 years lease. The rent is $20,000 per year and is payable quarterly in advance. Payments were made on what are known as the “quarter-days” (except the first payment) as follows.What will the rental charge be for the year ended 31 December 20X4?


Android安装包文件简称APK,其后缀名是( )。

A. apk
B. exe
C. txt
D. app

onActivityResult()方法有三个参数,其中( )表示在返回数据时传入结果码。

A. requestCode
B. resultCode
C. data
D. result

在下列选项中,Android中的存储数据方式不包括( )。

A. 文件
B. SQLite数据库
C. SharedPreferences
D. Map

在QQ登录案例中,显示上次用户输入的账号密码的代码,需要写在( )方法中。

A. onStart()
B. onCreate()
C. onDestroy()
D. onStop()
